Sunday, March 03, 2013

Episode 355 Of Beam Me Up Podcast Now Online

I really think this week proves just as informative as it will entertaining, even though I didn't aim to either side with any purpose of doing so. 

Anyway after griping about the lack of common sense understanding of basic Newtonian physics, I play the first story for the day.  

I start with Julie Wornan's melancholy post apocalyptic tale “Epilog”.   

From there I break out the Star Trek Trivia book for some fun and arcane fact about the original Star Trek.  Like, what deck is Medical on?  Or the three  operational divisions that crew are assigned to?    How about the maximum number of people that can beam on and off the ship through the main teleporter?  Stuff like that! Who knew!

Kallamis once again does a weekly round up of smaller news items that I may have missed.   This week, news on the Space X resupply launch to the ISS.  Info on a supermassive black hole  that will twist your head sideways!   Mars caught Kall's imagination as usual.  A start up non profit I.M.F.  Wants to send a couple to visit Mars.  Of course the devil is in the details... and the next asteroid close encounter will not be Earth, nope, not this time!   

I have thought of giving Doug Turnbull's video reviews a try on the podcast by stripping off the audio.
To get the ball rolling I start with his introduction to Robert A. Heinlein's Juvenile series of early books which I swear I think I read each and every one.  Heinlein's books and stories fast became one of my very favorite authors.  Doug intends to review each of these early Heinlein masterpieces.  This will be kind of an introduction others to follow on, every other week or so. 

This February 20 was the 51st  anniversary of John Glenn's historic and almost fatal mission. 

After some confusion about this story, I guess I though it was being read or I had already done the story when neither was the case...duh, so I am going to play part 1 of Know How Can Do by Michael Blumlein as the program ender.  

Enjoy everyone.  Thanks for listening!

Paul Cole
for B.M.U. Episode 355

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