Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Power of Poop

Now I know that in one form or another you are all familiar with gasification of waste products to generate electricity or for that matter, drawing of methane from landfills to do the same. So it seems to be a bit redundant to talk about the technology. But when Dan passed me this AP article in the BDN, I knew at the very least I would get a chance to do some lame poop jokes or something else scatological.

Artist Matthew Mazzotta, has an installation in a Cambridge MA dog park consisting of two steel, 500-gallon oil tanks painted a golden yellow, connected by black piping and attached to an old gaslight style street light. Yes, it's a poop converter called the "Park Spark".

The poop powered park presence is not meant to be a test bed of any sort. No it's goal is a bit more sublime. Mazzotta hopes the Park Spark will get people thinking about not wasting waste. Visitors and pet owners visiting the park say that they are seeing poop in a new light......

Poochie poop power projects themselves are nothing new. Several California cities tried to float poop projects of their own several years ago But in all instances the projects fizzled.

Mazzotta's poop project which is funded by a grant from MIT runs for a month

Huffingtonpost article

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